Section written by the artist

I have always drawn what I feel. What I like. And what I would like others to see. I have been drawing for many years and the more attention I got online, the more I encountered the same thoughts about my art:

"They radiate an ethereal feeling.
A calming feeling.
And I love the peace it gives me."

Since I started getting these comments more and more often, I started to see my paintings in a more gentle way. They weren't art pieces that I did to have joy and peace of mind. They weren't some paintings that helped me improve in my most beloved hobby. They were much more.

I wouldn't like to be seen as an optimistic, idealistic, fun artist.
Neither like a crude, obsessive, unsettling artist.
But more like a realistic, down-to-earth, soothing artist.

I believe that, with time, my paintings will be more like a memory, nearly giving a nostalgic feeling. I want the viewers to feel like they've lived that same scene before.

Of course, not every painting can hold the same idea because of my ever-changing moods and interests. Moving from fashion, to cinematography, to illustration, to classical art.

Either way, following my main purpose or one of my interests, anyone who desires to know what brought me to create a piece in particular, can always trust that I will be honest about the thought process and inspiration behind my brushstrokes and color choices.

I am sure I can reach my full potential if I listen to those who enjoy my art, so please feel welcome to join my artistic path. Whether you enjoy blog posts or Instagram stories, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts about art with me.

Welcome to Rima's Luxury Art Gallery
Much more than an artwork to collect

─ Rima