About The Art Gallery

Find the perfect painting, invest and enhance any room

Rima’s Luxury Art Gallery is the place where you will find all the Rima artworks available at the moment and benefit from our exclusive services. We are an online art gallery that exclusively sells artworks done by the artist Rima.

With our comfortable investing method, we encourage any art collector ─ new or experienced ─ to join our community. Curious about how it works?

Investing in art shouldn’t be challenging. Here’s a quick guide to show you how Rima’s Art Gallery works:

1. Choose your favourite paintings

Select one or more paintings from the Rima Store. Choose depending on your prefered sizes, colors and topics.

2. Ask for our Art Advisory Service (optional)

From interior design advice to solving doubts about which painting to invest in. Let our professional team help you for free.

3. “Buy Now, Pay Later”

Worried about the price? Benefit from our “Buy Now, Pay Later” plan and split the purchase in comfortable monthly payments.

4. Enjoy the artwork while the value rises

Patience is key in Investment. While you wait for the value to rise, be sure to enjoy the Rima art piece you just aquired.

Get notified with the latest news about Rima’s artworks by following our Newsletter updates. If you have any questions about your painting’s value, message us through the Contact Page